
How to Celebrate Your Mom This Mother's Day

I’m more thrilled than ever to celebrate my mom and show her how much she means to me. Because “thank you” will never be enough.


Mother's day is such a special day for us to celebrate the moms in our lives. It’s just one day a year that we can dedicate to our moms to make them feel loved and special, and let them know how much they mean to us. To the woman who has been there since day one, helping us in the toughest of times, and celebrating with us in the best of times. If you are a momma, thank you, and happy early mothers day to you!!

Our Mother & child, ​​Multi Petite Disc Necklace, is a stunning symbolic gift for any mom who loves beautiful jewelry. If you have a mom who loves rings, our personalized Birthstone Rings are a stunning option, and are a great way for a mom to keep her children close to her. If your mom’s love language is quality time, take her out for lunch or on a mani pedi date. If your mom loves acts of service, like mine, you can make dinner for her, clean her house, or buy her favorite flowers. 

Sending love to the moms who are having an extra tough Mother’s Day this year because it’s the first one since. To the someday-moms who are still waiting for their turn. To the mamas who feel like they’re failing, and to the ones who have it all together. To the mamas whose babies live across the country, and to the ones whose babies are sleeping in the same house. I hope you all have a wonderful Mothers Day, and know how incredible and special you are!