
Featuring Teisha Walker

Teisha is so strong and has been through so much. We are so honored to share some of her story today. 💙

Hi, I’m Teisha, a wife to an amazing man of 7 years and a mother to 6 beautiful children, 2 of which live in Heaven. We have lost two beautiful baby boys. Trighton passed in Utero at 18 weeks in 2017, and our sweet boy Tytan which we were able to have for 6 incredible months on earth. ⁣⁣
In 2013, At 34 weeks pregnant during a growth ultrasound we found out our first son would be born with a congenital heart defect called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, basically meaning he was missing the left side of his heart. Tytan was born April 20th, 2013 and brought with him the most beautiful & valiant spirit. He was immediately taken to PCH where he had his first open heart surgery at 5 days old. He spent the first 6 weeks there before coming home. We knew he would have a lot of medical attention throughout his life but we never imagined life without him. When he was almost 4 months old he went into cardiac arrest during another heart surgery and things took a turn for the very worst. We spent the next 2 months doing all we could to keep our sweet boy here with us. We found out his heart was failing and he was listed for a heart transplant but it didn’t come in time. On October 20th he finished his earthly mission & returned home to his Heavenly Parents. It was the hardest yet sweetest 6 months of our lives, & our tiny but mighty boy taught us so much about life in that short time! We have felt so much heartache, but have also witnessed So many miracles and tender mercies through this painful journey. ⁣⁣
A loving family and supportive friends is a absolute must during the grieving process, but I think my religion & beliefs have helped me probably the very most. Tytan had many challenges during his short time on earth and spent a lot of time in and out of the hospital, so as much as I miss him and ache for him every single day it gives me peace to know he is okay now, free of all his earthly struggles, and the knowledge that I will see him again!

There is no timeline or a perfect way to grieve. Feel all the feels of the process over and over again. One day your sad, the next mad, and you’ll feel those feelings for many years to come. Don’t ever feel like you need to move on or let it go because it’s your child and they’ll forever be apart of you. - Keep your child’s memory alive. Don’t feel like because they aren’t here physically that you can’t include them. Celebrate their special days, hang an extra stocking for them, include their picture or something sentimental in your family pictures. They are still part of your family. - Just as you prepared to bring this baby/child into your family.... continue to prepare to see them again. Yes, the preparation is different but I know if we’re prepared we will see our children again.