
Featuring Carissa Barzee & Kaylee

The Amina Hope necklace has a special meaning behind it, and we wanted to share why. For our Feature Friday Carissa is sharing the story of her sister and her niece, Amina. ♥️⁣

Hi there. My name is Carissa Barzee. My sister, Kaylee, has given me permission to share her story in hopes that it will help someone else through their heartache.⁣
July 2015 - Kaylee was five months pregnant with her second daughter, Amina, and received some devastating news at one of her appointments. She wrote, “Our unborn baby may have a rare condition that has caused many health issues. If she survives she’ll most likely only live for a few days. We’re hoping to hear good news. We need your prayers. Our hearts are heavy and this feeing of pain is indescribable.”⁣

Aug. 2015 - Amina was diagnosed with Full Trisomy 13. It’s a rare birth defect that has a 90% fatality rate. Our family was devasated.⁣
The most important thing to Kaylee was whether or not Amina was in pain. She didn’t want her to suffer over the next few months of her life during this pregnancy. The doctors assured her that she was not. Kaylee kept this angel inside of her to grow as long as she needed knowing that she was going to pass away during the pregnancy or shortly after delivery.⁣

Kaylee wrote, “I love feeling my beautiful Amina moving around. I’ve had a close bond with her since I found out I was pregnant.”⁣
Oct. 26, 2015 - Amina stopped moving. Kaylee went to the doctor and found out that her little girl had passed away.⁣
Oct. 27, 2015 - Amina was delivered stillborn.⁣
She wrote, “Our beautiful angel didn’t suffer and went straight to God. She had a lot of hair, long eyelashes, and looked like her sister. I know it’s not the last time we will see our sweetheart. She’s by our side and I know my loved ones that already passed on were waiting for her with open arms.”⁣
Oct. 30, 2015 - Kaylee wrote. “God is good. God will give you the strength you need to overcome any struggle or pain you are going through. When you are hurting, lean on your Heavenly Father and know you will get through it.”⁣