
Summer of Self-Love

Summer of Self-Love 

While summer is a time for lots of fun in the sunshine, it can also bring up a lot of insecurities about our bodies. The constant pressures we feel from ourselves, and the media about our bodies can be overwhelming. We are constantly bombarded by messages such as the “slim up for summer” or “get your swimsuit body ready.” We’re here to tell you that every body is ready for summer. But, at times it can be hard to believe that. Here are some of our favorite ways to love your body this summer.

1. Exercise  

I always feel more confident when I exercise. Learning to exercise for our bodies, and instead of punishing our bodies is such a powerful thing. Choose to work out to help your body, and feel the benefits. This summer choose exercises and movement that helps your body feel its best. Go on a run or a bike ride with your family. Try a new yoga class, or sign up for a gym membership. The possibilities are endless. 

2. Buy swimsuits that fit and you are comfortable in

How many of us have swimsuits tucked in our drawers just waiting for when we fit into them again?! It’s time to toss those swimmers and buy one that fits properly and you feel comfortable and confident in. It’s also important to buy a swimsuit that you love and think is super cute! You always feel more confident when wearing a cute suit. 

3. Speak kind to your body

Something I think we all have been guilty of is speaking negatively about ourselves and our bodies. We often are our harshest critics. Choose to speak kindly to yourself. One of the best ways to do that is to say positive affirmations to yourself in the mirror. You may feel silly at first, but over time the message will sink in. 

4. Focus on activities that bring joy

Instead of focusing so much on your body, focus and activities and hobbies that bring you joy. Spend some of your extra time on some of the hobbies you’ve put to the side. Focus on all the fun swim parties, BBQs, and spending time with family. Soak it all up! 

5. Only follow positive social media accounts

This is so crucial. If you are following any social media accounts that make you feel less than, it’s time to unfollow. This summer goes through your feed and make sure you are only following accounts that uplift you and help you to love yourself even more. 


We know that at times it can be hard to love the person staring back at you in the mirror. It is so worth it though. We hope as you apply these tips, you can feel more love for yourself. You deserve it!