
5 Things That Can Help You Grow A Small Business

Looking for help in creating a successful small business? Curious how we started ours? Take into consideration some of these unique tips for starting (and growing) a small business! 

Pick A Niche

By choosing a product, or a market, that is less saturated, you will see a more valuable customer base. What you are looking for is a problem that people commonly have, that your product can fix or satisfy. For example, we noticed that there wasn’t much of a community for parents who have lost a child, so we created our own that allowed others to feel supported and heard.



Networking is a way to build relationships with other business owners in your related field to help expand your own business. Networking is a great way to create business leads, identify best practices, identify new business trends, increase your confidence in your business, and gain connections. Remember, don’t be afraid to utilize your network’s network!  


Get Your Name Out There

We recommend marketing and selling at community events to initially get your name out there. Farmers markets, company events, and networking parties are great opportunities to introduce your brand to a wide variety of individuals. Social media is also another way to get your name out there, and it’s free!


Create a Marketing Plan

Have an idea of a marketing strategy and budget you want in place before launching. If this isn’t in place before you get started, you might find yourself putting in a lot of extra time figuring out the most beneficial marketing strategies for your business. 


Go All In

If you want to have a successful business, you need to understand that it takes a lot of hard work. Make sure you're in it for the long run and that you've got the energy to put in the necessary work before you begin! Putting your heart and soul into your small business isn’t easy, but your customers will see this effort and will reciprocate in support. 



Running a small business is NOT EASY, but that doesn’t mean it is impossible or that you should be afraid of starting one if you truly want to. It takes dedication and stamina. It is something that if you put your mind to it, we know you will do well ❤️