
All about The Brighton A Day Foundation

Last week we celebrated Royce’s week! We were blown away by the support and love that we were given. We choose to give back this year by raising money for The Brighton A Day Foundation! Today we want to highlight them! 

The Brighton a Day Foundation was named after 4 year old, Brighton Tenney, who passed away in 2016. The Tenney family was blown away at the amount of kind acts that people did for them after Brighton passed away. Because of that they decided to pay it forward and help other families that have had children pass away.

Some of the things the foundation does is provide a Christmas Basket to families try at have lost children. We call this Brighton a Christmas. We keep this list growing every year. We want all the families to know that we won’t forget their loss and thinking of them. We also provide therapy for families, pay it forward cards featuring children that have passed away, and just being a shoulder to cry on for families. 

We were so happy to be able to help the Tenney Family to continue to give back to others!