We are featuring Kelsey today who lost her beautiful boy Asher earlier this year.💔 Her story is so heartbreaking, and I’m so grateful to her for sharing Asher with us. ♥️
Hi! My name is Kelsey and I’m the momma to an angel, Asher Robert. When I was 20 weeks pregnant, our doctor saw a few concerns on my anatomy ultrasound. While we were initially counseled on the high probability of trisomy 13 or 18, an amniocentesis told us that whatever we were facing wasn’t a known genetic disease, and thus started our long journey into the unknown.
On September 18, my beautiful baby boy was born and immediately whisked away to the NICU where he stayed for several weeks. There we got our initial diagnosis, neuronal migration disorder, and the explanation that his brain had developed very abnormally and we had no idea what the future would look like. This would eventually lead to intractable epilepsy, cortical blindness, respiratory & feeding issues and low muscle tone.
Asher fought for every single day of his 21 months of life and God called him home on July 1, 2019.
Missing Asher never gets easier, but I try my best to continue to include him in everyday conversation. He will always be a part of me, the biggest and best part of me, and I don’t want the world to forget him, so I talk about him often.
My best advice I can give is to just do whatever you need to in order to get through the day & do it unapologetically. Grief is really, really hard and it’s constantly changing. Lean on your people, cry, scream, run, stay in bed, book a spontaneous trip, go skydiving, adopt a puppy, whatever the hell is going to help you survive. Do it 💚
Featuring Kelsey
Featuring Kelsey
- by Lindsie Ward
- November 15, 2019
- 2 min read