
Featuring Kayla Graver

Since this week is Thanksgiving, we are going to be doing our feature today! Our feature this week is Kayla and her baby boy Weston who would have turned 1 tomorrow. We are so honored to feature them this week.♥️⁣

Hi we are the Gravers. Logan and I have been married almost 5 years and have two perfect sons. Grayson who is 3 and Weston our angel boy who would turn 1 on November 27th. We found out at 20 weeks Weston had trisomy 18. We were told he wouldn’t survive to birth, if he did he wouldn’t survive birth, if he did that, he had a 5% chance of making it to his first birthday. We were devastated. We saw a specialist and had many scans and tests. Our goal was to find out as much as possible to get him to birth and beyond that. Things took a turn at 28 weeks. The placenta was not working like it should, it was now starting to have backflow in the chord, taking nutrients away from Weston. We were admitted to the hospital for him to be monitored. One week in the hospital the doctor told us that there was complete backflow of the chord and it was now dangerous.⁣

We were given the option of letting him pass away in the womb or to induce with a small chance of meeting him. We prayed and prayed. We felt that we should induce. The next day we started induction. We were reminded over and over that he would most likely not make it through labor. He proved them wrong. He was born 10:40am a perfect 1lb 11 oz. He was alive and even kicked a few times for us. He opened his eyes looked right at me, closed them and then never opened them again. He passed in our arms at 2:08 pm. Even after one year we have really hard days and it feels so fresh still. We know he is always with us and we will see him again.⁣

What helped is the support of family and friends. People reaching out and just letting us know that they remember him and are here for us. ⁣

Advice I would give others is that it is okay to not be okay. Never be afraid to talk about your lost loved one. Let yourself feel and remember everything. Keep pushing forward but on those bad days let it out. Take your time grieving and don’t let others tell you how to grieve.