
Featuring Devinee McLain

This week we are honored to feature Devinee and her perfect boy Lincoln. While preparing for this feature and communicating with Devinee I instantly noticed that she had such a gift of taking the very complicated emotions of losing a child and putting it into words. I hope you are inspired by this as much as I was. ♥️⁣

•About Devinee and Lincoln⁣
I’m Devinee and this is my most precious little guy, Lincoln. ⁣
Lincoln is mine and Austin’s first, and only baby. During pregnancy, little dude was just a happy little camper, but at 38 weeks, we found out he had a heart defect. Three days after he was born, he was taken for open heart surgery to fix the defect, but Lincoln had other plans. Complications with surgery=complications with his little body. Lincoln fought a long and hard battle, and at 12 days old on November 14, 2018, he returned to his Father in Heaven. ⁣

•What Helped Devinee the most after her loss⁣
Life was instantly different. I quickly learned that just because I lost my baby, didn’t mean I needed to lose myself as well. The thing that helped me was to allow myself to attend my own pitty party and mourn, then pick myself back up and carry on—until the next pitty party, at least. ⁣

•Advice Devinee would give to others ⁣
My biggest peace of advice is: There is no guide for what to do after you lose someone. Everyone is so different, and that’s ok. You’ve got to figure out what helps you and makes you feel better and then DO THAT! And chances are, something that helps one day, might not help the next. This is a new life, and it’s YOUR life, so you’ve gotta take back control. ⁣

•How Devinee Remembers Lincoln⁣
My Lincoln is everywhere. He’s in the ‘Lincoln’ cars in front of me, the pennies on the ground, the hiccups I get, and the songs that once had no meaning. Don’t get me wrong. I still sob in my car at least twice a day. I’ve broken several things, his nursery still isn’t cleaned out, and I still don’t understand ‘why’ this is my life—but it is. So I might as well live the life I wished Lincoln could have. ⁣